Most of us, in the fullness of time, make our fair share of mistakes as we evolve both ourselves and our businesses in our vacation rental journey. The best of us, along the way, share what they’ve learned with others so that their lessons can elevate the whole. That brings us to books–while it’s tough to make time for professional reading, the rewards are out there when you find the right books. Here are a few recent books that I think are relevant to our vacation rental teams, customers, and organizations:
Charlotte real estate entrepreneur Gary Chesson has shared a great journey with us via his book Creating Trinity. It’s a great read for anyone in the real estate business and it’s super cool that it’s largely a North Carolina story–it’s a highly personal and people focused story around how he build a business based on relationships, self-awareness, and smart risks.
For the data minded among us, Neil Hoyne’s recent book Converted is an excellent primer on data measurement strategies you’re most likely seeing in your digital marketing efforts. Neil is a global expert on the subject, given his senior role at Google, and this one has quite a few underline-and-follow-up moments.
Best,Clark Twiddy2022 NCVRMA President
Many of you may know Andrew McConnell from his active role in the vacation rental space. His book on taking a stoic approach to time management has been very successful, and it’s great to see leaders in our space getting national recognition. It’s worth the read to help sharpen the mind.
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